Drone Inspections

Drone Inspections

This is proving to be an invaluable tool as it can quite often be flown in places that can’t be reached by ladder which is a lot safer and is cheaper than hiring a cherry picker or having scaffold erected.

Cracks in flaunching (the mortar on top of a chimney), missing bricks, pointing and lead flashing can all cause problems in chimneys and its not always easy to spot them from the ground or even on ladders. The drone has the ability to be flown quite close to the subject and because it is small, it can be flown in more confined areas than larger drones. It can also take a nice aerial photograph of your property too!!

Matt is certified with the CAA to fly the drone and is fully aware of the implications of flying a drone responsibly to carry out a flight to obtain the footage needed.

Drone Inspection starts from £70.00

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